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This section provides details about the URL endpoints that are available in the API. Each of the endpoints are relative to the base URL of the API ( For example, in the documentation, the endpoint /v3/instances/default/images refers to For more information about the endpoints that make up the API, refer to the following pages:

  • Instances - Manage the separation of your data into independent environments, such as development, testing, and production.
  • Files - Store, retrieve, and search for individual files such as images, videos, AR sessions, point clouds, and meshes.
  • Folders - Group related files, and share them with other EveryPoint users.
  • Functions - Access information about the processing operations that can be performed in the API.
  • Jobs - Initiate processing operations on sets of input files, and retrieve the resulting outputs.
  • Attributes - Access the list of optional key-value pairs that are specially supported by the API.
  • Custom Attributes - Create user-defined key-value pairs to use with files, annotations, or jobs.
  • Labels - Access the set of semantic categories that can be used with annotations.
  • Annotations - Associate semantic labels with files.
  • Querying - Search for and retrieve lists of files based on custom filters.
  • Sensors - Access the list of sensing devices that are specially supported by the API.
  • Triggers - Configure automated actions to perform in response to particular events.
  • Actions - Access the set of operations that can be performed in response to a trigger.
  • Webhook - Subscribe to notifications about the status of processing operations.

Resource Identifiers

To identify individual resources within the API (e.g. files, functions, jobs, or attributes), the relative path to a resource (referred to as its URI) is used as its identifier (appearing as "uri" in API responses). For example, an image may be identified as /images/1234, a point cloud as /point-clouds/2345, a function as /functions/pixels-to-mesh, a job as /jobs/3456, an instance as /instances/my-instance, and a custom attribute as /videos/custom-attributes/my_attribute. With this format, the full URL of a resource can be constructed by concatenating the API's base URL, the API version, the instance's URI, and an optional resource URI ({instance-uri}{resource-uri}). For example, given an instance URI of /instances/my-instance and a resource URI of /images/1234, the full URL to the instance is and the full URL to the resource is